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Recruitment Tools for Entry-Level Positions

The KRPA Recruitment Committee has provided the following tools to help recruit for entry-level positions in your agency. Dive into ideas and examples to spark your creativity to recruit.

Don't Forget your Audience!

Your audience is Gen-Z (those born in the late 1990s- mid-2000s) patrons who are potential employees. By focusing on Gen-Z in your community, you are bringing awareness of the parks and recreation field to future professionals, providing valuable work experience within your parks and recreation department, and building relationships to promote skills within the field for generations to come. 

How do you appeal to this audience? What do they value? Studies show that Gen Z is concerned about social change, community and making a difference. Nearly two-thirds (65%) say they want to “[make] a difference to a cause they care about” and 60% want to “personally create something world-changing.”1 When raising awareness of the profession, keep these values in mind. These individuals need to see how parks and recreation organizations make a difference in their communities. By choosing a career in parks and recreation, they will make a lasting effect on their community’s health and wellness.


1. Build excitement about your jobs.

- Ask current employees to post on their social media account about their experience.
- Highlight the experience of the job, rather than focusing on salaries. 

2. Flyers for recruiting is the thing of the past for these high schoolers. Get social! Running ads on social media is a cost-effective way to promote these jobs. If you want to build excitement with your high school age audience, try promoting on TikTok, Snapchat or Instagram.

- Place job postings on Facebook that might appeal to parents. If you would like to reach parents of young employees, run ads on Facebook to bring awareness. The parent can then encourage their child to work for your agency. Example: Is your child looking for a summer job? (Insert your agency name) is a great and safe place to work. We’re currently hiring (Insert your current job openings).

- Instagram and Snapchat are great places to reach Gen Z. If your agency doesn’t have a Snapchat account, ask current employees to post about what they enjoy about their job or experience and encourage their friends to apply and come work together.

- Interview and post videos from current employees and why they like working for your agency. These videos are great to post on Facebook and Instagram. Remember Instagram videos must be less than 1 minute, so keep them short and sweet.

- Feeling adventurous? Dive into TikTok. Start a dance challenge with your staff. Highlight diversity in your agency from job titles, places, and more.

3. Revise your application and interview process. Make sure your application process is user-friendly and not time-consuming. Remember that now the interview process is just as much of you interviewing your candidate as they are interviewing you. Emphasize your culture and values often.

4. Be sure to not only explain your agency's values, but also practice and show them too. Make your employees proud to work for you. Free t-shirts and other swag is encouraged! They want to feel as if they belong.

Social Media Messaging Ideas

"Looking for a summer job? Parks and Recreation is the place for you! We are currently hiring lifeguards and camp counselors. No experience necessary. All classes and training will be provided. Visit <Add you website>."

"Do you like to have fun? So do we! Do you like to make a difference? So do we! Are you looking for a fun job where you can make a difference? We are looking for you! <Add your website>"

"Parks and Rec have a variety of diverse opportunities to meet your career goals. <Agency Name> is looking for great candidates like you to become a member of our team. Take advantage of being paid to create positive and memorable experiences for our community all while having fun. Visit <Add your website> to learn more about how you can become involved!"

Examples from Local Agencies for Recruiting

SCPR_Hiring Flyer Example.pdf

SCPR_High School Fair Flyer Example.pdf

SCPR_Job Story Social Media Example.mp4

SCPR_Now Hiring Lifeguards Example.png

SCPR_Park Maintenance Information Flyer Example.pdf

DRC Lifeguard Testimonial Video

Wichita Lifeguard Recruitment

Wichita Summer Job Recruitment Video

Olathe Lifeguard Recruitment

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