Membership Categories


Member Categories 

Professional:  Shall be those individuals whose primary occupation is administrative, management, supervisory or specialist in an agency whose function is recreation, park conservation or leisure service; or in some other organization and having similar responsibilities.  They shall have all the privileges of membership including the privilege to vote and to hold office. Contact KRPA Office at 785-235-6533 to ask if your agency is a member before choosing this category. 

Associate:  Shall be individuals employed part-time in a recreation, park conservation, leisure service or related agency or non-professional employees affiliate with such an agency; or individuals who are associated with such organizations and do not represent any company, firm or organization selling products or services to agencies represented.  Interested laypersons and former Board, Commission, Council or Committee members may be included in this category.  Members in this category will not be eligible to vote, hold office or chair committees.  They may participate in a specific branch in accordance with the guidelines of the branch.

Student:  Shall be those individuals enrolled in full-time, undergraduate basis majoring in recreation, parks conservation or related field at an accredited university, college or community college and is not employed full time in a recreation, park conservation or leisure services agency.  Members in this category may serve on committees and will not be eligible to vote, hold office, or chair committees. In addition, student members of KRPA are eligible to attend educational sessions at the KRPA Annual Conference and Trade Show at no cost.

Agency:  Shall be those employees and citizen board members representing parks and recreation agencies or Commissions.  They shall have all the privileges of membership including the privilege to vote and to hold office.

Commercial:  Shall be individuals, organizations, companies or business firms selling products or services to recreation, park conservation and leisure service agencies. Anyone who qualifies for Commercial Membership is not entitled to hold membership in any other category.

Retired Professional:  Shall be any professional member in good standing and currently retired having reached the age of 55.  Members in this category shall be entitled to all the privileges of membership including the privilege to vote and to hold office of the Association.

Honorary Life Time Members:  Shall be those individuals elected to the Hall of Fame or previously designated as Honorary Life Time Member status.  Life Time members shall be exempt from annual dues.  Members in this category shall be entitled to all the privileges of membership including the privilege to vote and to hold office of the Association.

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